Thursday, September 27, 2012

Book of dreams

About a month ago I was asked to participate in a very cool collaborative project called  elmonstruodecoloresnotieneboca. This is an art project that was initiated by Roger Omar who collects written dreams of children from all over the world and has international illustrators illustrate them. I’m still not sure what motivated this fascinating man to start collecting dreams (since 2002!!) but I believe it’s an amazing project that was quite fun.
The Guidelines were to choose one dream and to illustrate it while considering the size and color limits. Some of the dreams were hilarious and some of them scary as hell which made me realize that sometimes dreams have no age.
I chose a dream of a girl named Mar (it means sea in Spanish) who is 9 years old: 
"I dreamed that my house was on fire, and it was a fire made of water, and I was swimming inside"
I'm afraid that my approach was too dreamy but you can see other illustrators interpretations at the project's blog.
The results were printed on a book that will be launched in an exhibition called "journey among dreams". I will write about the event in the next post. 
(cover illustration by Teddy Goldenberg)